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Denise Marsa

Denise Marsa: "Being kind and generous in spirit helps us all feel a bit safer and maybe even a little warmer, together."



1) Welcome, Denise Marsa! We're thrilled to have you here to talk about your latest single, ‘Rainbow’ ahead of your upcoming album ‘PIVOTAL’. To kick things off, could you share with us the key inspiration behind the track?

Hi, Head Above The Clouds, great to be “up” here with you, thanks for having me! The inspiration came from letting go of past negative experiences with love and trusting someone again. Being open and wanting to be over the solitude. I was speaking to myself and to another. 

2) In ‘Rainbow’, you’ve woven a great deal of depth into a magnetic, dance-pop experience. How does the arrangement and stylistic choices reinforce its meaning? 

It’s a celebration of love and light and the music, and the over-all attitude feels like we are going for it. Let’s enjoy, and not look backwards.

3) ‘Rainbow’ celebrates love in all forms and urges listeners to love however, whenever and wherever. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, did you find the songwriting process liberating? 

I like to believe I am a part of many communities, with my past relationship experiences, including the LGBTQ+. It is always liberating to write and sing about love and relationships. Songwriting for me has always been about processing and sharing my thoughts and experiences. 

4) As someone who has worked in the music industry over several decades, did you face struggles with being open about your sexuality, and how did you overcome these? 

Yes, I did, for years. I am a very private person, less then I once was, still I am not one to discuss my sexual relationships, male or female. Nor have I labeled myself in the past, except for now, I label myself ‘solo’. Even with my music, I always straddle various genres, I guess you could say I don’t like staying in one lane. I am always about change, except for where I live. That has been my one same; my home in NYC. No matter where I go or whom I live with, my apartment in the West Village, which was my first home, remains my sanctuary. I always need my own space. 

As far as my sexuality, things shifted for me in 2018 when I stepped onto a London theater stage, and proudly discuss a few of my special relationships. It was the first time I had performed ‘The Pass’ in front of a paying audience.  ‘The Pass’ takes audiences through the decades of my career and life, with me sharing adventures and stories, and my songs intertwined. I speak about how long it took me to accept the various sides of my sexuality and how I expressed myself with partners. I was a late bloomer as well! 

5) Can you give us an insight into why the release of ‘PIVOTAL’ is a significant moment in your career? 

It just feels that way. My gut instinct and my faith in my work is at an all-time high.  I put a decent budget for promotion and remixes behind this release, adding a wonderful team, both creatively and promotion-wise, and I feel it's my time. I believe my music is resonating with listeners. Certainly, more people are listening now, which is important, being heard. Where things go after that is out of my control. Any artist’s control. People either connect with your work or they don’t. I am feeling a connection with listeners and hoping it gets deeper. 

6) Anticipated to be your most commercial album yet, do you hope ‘PIVOTAL’ will shed light on the LGBTQ+ community, and do you hope your music will encourage celebration and unity? 

I always hope my music brings light, inspiration, freedom to express oneself to others, and inspire self-love. At this very moment, I have a top ten dance track, the first single taken from the album, and the remix of the single, ‘Kiss Me in the Rain Until Dawn Remix’ and I imagine people dancing to the song in the clubs. I would be out of my mind to see this! It’s been a long-time dream for me to be on the top ten charts again. 

7) Do you find it important to communicate personal beliefs and experiences through your music? What other themes does ‘PIVOTAL’ explore? 

Regarding personal beliefs, sometimes yes and sometimes no. If it fits and if I can say what I want to say, within the realm of the creative process, cool. It has to be organic. I like having something to say, and in a new way. Most of the album was written over the pandemic, with perseverance, empathy, tolerance and relationships in mind.   

8) Lastly, what are your hopes for ‘PIVOTAL’ and the future? 

That’s a big question. I want people to feel how much love went into the recording and the songwriting. I had so much fun going through the various creative stages of ‘PIVOTAL’- it took on a life of its own. I loved working on it and as it expanded, my belief that ‘PIVOTAL’ is an important body of work for me grew. 

In a way, I am doing it for all those that have given up on their dream. Please take your life into your own hands. That’s why I started my own record label KeyMedia Group. You design you. Being kind and generous in spirit helps us all feel a bit safer and maybe even a little warmer, together. 

My big goal would be to sing the album live for people! Theater venues and intimate clubs, as I want to feel the power of music with the audience! How amazing would that be!! Thank you for this opportunity, Mogul! Xo, Denise 

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